
Energy efficiency operational indicator as an indexof carbon dioxide emission from marine transport

Alternative title:

Eksploatacyjny indeks efektywności energetycznej statkujako wskaźnik emisji dwutlenku węgla w transporcie morskim


Herdzik, Jerzy


marine transport ; emission to atmosphere ; carbon dioxide ; energy efficiency operationalindicator ; ship operation ; shipping


The paper presents Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) introducedthrough International Maritime Organization (IMO) which defined the carbon dioxideemission as a result of transport specific cargo mass on specific distance. The total fuelconsumption from all elements of vessel energetic system causes the carbon dioxide emis-sion. Ship-owners should inform the marine administration about the fuel consumptionfrom all vessels of 5000 tons of gross tonnage or more from 1st January 2018. In marinetransport about 85% of carbon dioxide emission comes from such vessels. The calculatingof EEOI is voluntary now but it is indicated to do it. It allows on an assessment the dif-ferences between the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) obligatory during designprocess of a vessel and its power plant and EEOI. Due to it may be estimated the correct-ness of vessel and power plant operation in exploitational conditions.The basic way of EEOI decreasing is slow steaming of a vessel. The power de-mand for propulsion (and fuel consumption) is proportional to the third power of vesselvelocity (according to the propeller characteristics) on the other hand the hull resistance(the demand for thrust by propeller) is proportional to the second power of vessel velocity.As a result it causes the decreasing of total fuel consumption for covering the same dis-tance but increasing the time of voyage. It is for acceptance during a bad economic situ-ation. Although it will be no acceptable during a good economic situation when it will berequired the increasing of vessel velocity (decreasing the time of voyage).The other effective methods are under research which allows to reach the sameaim. It is known such methods of vessel operation which leading to the decreasing of thatindex. The paper shows these methods with their characteristics.

Place of publishing:



Politechnika Koszalińska




artykuł w czasopiśmie





Is part of:

Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 22, s. 549-560


Biblioteka Politechniki Koszalińskiej

Access rights:



Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0



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