
Title: Safety assessment of a mineworking in order to use its cultural and educational potential and ensure environmental sustainability


This paper addresses the protection of the environment and provides a design forthe use of the deposit after the cessation of mining in the Novoveská Huta region. The areaof interest of this case study describes the practical transformation of a functioning miningoperation into a mining museum in order to reduce the pressures on the environment aftermining. The resulting model of the functioning of the mining museum also deals in detailwith the safety of a mining operation which is no longer used for mining, taking intoaccount its further use. The article describes the proposed 1700-metre route which visitorswill pass along, and also gives a detailed description of the proposed measures necessaryfor safety and long-term sustainable operation.The aim was to design a use of the mining space, that would offer visitors theopportunity to see the handling space and mining methods of the deposit. An interestingelement will also be the possibility of inspecting the explosives store, wall linings, steeland wooden reinforcements. The tour will also include a demonstration of storage facili-ties as well as a Karlik's wheel mining equipment with a rope loop. The open-air museumalso offers the opportunity to get acquainted with transport around the entire deposit understrict safety conditions. It is assumed that devices such as a mining telephone or a sirenplaced on the walls of the tunnel will also arouse interest. An important element of theentire tour would also be a constant reminder of the safety rules during the tour.The impacts of this solution on the environment are very acceptable and incom-parably more beneficial than in the case of the termination of mining and subsequent non-use of the Novoveská Huta deposit.

Place of publishing:



Politechnika Koszalińska







Is part of:

Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 22, s. 24-39


Biblioteka Politechniki Koszalińskiej

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Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0

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