
Tytuł: Applicability of the multiple-criteria decision-making method to assess potential for watercourse revitalisation in urbanised areas based on the Wierzbak watercourse

Tytuł odmienny:

Wykorzystanie metody wielokryterialnego wspomagania decyzji do oceny możliwości rewitalizacji cieków na terenach zurbanizowanych na przykładzie cieku Wierzbak


Revitalisation of even small watercourses in urbanised areas improves water retention conditions, while at the same time reducing the risk of flooding. It also contributes to improved condition or ecological potential of waters. Measures implemented to revitalise small urban watercourses are hindered by many obstacles. When selecting an optimal solution we need to refer to multiple-criteria methods. Considering the number of barriers and the need to search for the optimal solution this paper analyses the applicability of multiple-criteria decision-making method involving analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to assess potential for revitalisation of watercourses in urbanised areas. The investigations were conducted on the Wierzbak watercourse flowing in the northern part of the city of Poznań, which has been channeled in over 60% of its course and is discharged into the Bogdanka River (a left-bank tributary of the Warta) in an ouflow sewer. In order to analyse the problem in detail various barriers were investigated, e.g. ecological, planning, social, economic and engineering. The analyses were conducted for 6 variants. Based on the collected information and data the AHP method was applied to select the most advantageous solution to potential revitalisation of the watercourse. Analysis of the results showed that for 4 out of the 6 tested variants complete exposure of the watercourse would be the most advantageous option. In turn, ecological and social barriers were deemed to be the most important. The study confirmed applicability of the AHP method to solve such complicated decision-making problems.

Miejsce wydania:



Politechnika Koszalińska






Jest częścią:

Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 22, s. 400-416


Biblioteka Politechniki Koszalińskiej

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Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0

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16 lis 2022

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