
Tytuł: Selected aspects of heating system design in an energy-balanced floating house

Tytuł odmienny:

Wybrane aspekty projektowania systemu grzewczego w pływającym domu zrównoważonym energetycznie


Recreational houses (WH) of a recreational nature may constitute an offer for the development of non-standard forms of recreation proposed by the domestic tourist industry. The paper presents some selected design problems of heating an exemplary WH house. For central heating (central heating) and domestic hot water (domestic hot water), it is proposed to use a compressor heat pump. It works with the central heating installation (water underfloor heating) and hot water, and with a lower source in the form of surface water in the lake. The heat exchanger for the brine is immersed in the lake water. The methodology for calculating the dimensions of the lower heat exchanger was presented. It was proposed that it will be made in the form of two coils made of polyethylene pipes and WH float sides placed on both sides. The design solution presented in the paper meets the conditions for qualifying as using renewable energy sources (RES).It should be noted that covering the demand for electricity for the WH house, including to drive the heat pump motor and for other living purposes in a residential superstructure, is also made using a hybrid system in the form of cooperation between wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Problems regarding the WH hybrid electricity supply system will be the subject of a separate study.

Miejsce wydania:



Politechnika Koszalińska




Jest częścią:

Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 22, s. 968-983


Biblioteka Politechniki Koszalińskiej

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Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0

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13 lis 2023

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13 lis 2023

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