
Tytuł: Assessment of the possibility of introducing a cogeneration system in the biogas development process by the example of the wastewater treatment plant located in Rybnik Orzepowice

Tytuł odmienny:

Ocena możliwości wprowadzenia układu kogeneracji w procesie zagospodarowania biogazu na przykładzie oczyszczalni ścieków w Rybniku Orzepowicach


The paper presents and discusses the 6-year effects of the operation of a biogas-fired cogeneration system which operates at the Rybnik Orzepowice sewage treatment plant. The qualitative composition of biogas, average daily amount of biogas produced, total demand of the sewage treatment plant for electricity and the amount of electricity obtained from biogas were presented. Regarding the average daily biogas production for the years 2013–2018, it can be stated that it remains at the level of 2,809 m3/d (±33%). The average daily total electricity consumption for 2013-2018 remains at 8,846 kWh/d (-13.8%; +20.6%). The average daily amount of electricity produced from biogas for the years 2013-2018 remains at the level of 3,892 kWh/d (-38.7%; +10.1%). Electricity generated from biogas allows us to cover the demand of the treatment plant at 44% (minimum 39%, maximum 50%). In the analysed period, biogas consumption by individual facilities was: cogeneration unit approx. 65%, boilers: 10%, flare: 25%. Based on the operational data, it was calculated that: the unit indicator for biogas extraction from sewage, on average is 0.1584 mn3/m3 (min. 0.0937 mn3/m3, max .: 0.2291 mn3/m3), the unit indicator for biogas extraction in relation to for COD load an average of 0.22 m3 of biogas/kg COD (min. 0.09 m3 of biogas/kg COD, max. 0.47 m3 of biogas/kg COD), the unit ratio of biogas extraction in relation to the BZT5 load was on average 0.61 m3 biogas/kg BZT5 (min. 0.28 m3 biogas/kg BZT5, max. 1.20 m3biogas/kg BZT5).

Miejsce wydania:



Politechnika Koszalińska




Jest częścią:

Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. Vol. 22, s. 1116-1131


Biblioteka Politechniki Koszalińskiej

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Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0

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